Ray's television work spans almost 50 years and over a hundred documentaries. Unfortunately, most of his earlier work is not publicly available.
Maryport - in six partsMaryport (1-6) playlist
Film by Denis Mitchell, Ray Gosling and Mike Moran (1979) |
Whittingham Hospital - in three parts
Whittingham Hospital (1-3) playlist
Documentary (1980) |
Medinner s4 ep14 - Onsite with Ray Gosling
Extracts from early On Site programmes with Ray Gosling presented by Medinner
(from the LWT episode guide): This week discovers two presenters who appear to hate each other, despite co-hosting a show about housing. Ray Gosling Is the junior reporter who fights for the Rights of aggrieved tenants, while John McGregor In the studio is always ready with a stern reprimand. |
The Coronation Street Years
(Parts 1 - 5) playlist
Episode One narrated by Ray. |
Weymouth: Once Round the Bay
Suit by Marks and Sparks - 1986
Report : St. Ann's The People's Canal
Ray Gosling in 1993, introducing Thames TV's notorious documentary on Nottingham's slums, directed by Stephen Frears. Ray took no part in the making of the film. (Thames 1969)
Gosling's Travels, Goole 1975
Class by Class 1991
Ray upset the locals by referring to Goole as "Sleepy Hollow". A classic episode of the long-running Gosling's Travels series.
Channel 4 series. Starts 3 minutes in.
The Middle Ages
Episode 1 - Forty Something
AdulteryProgram 1 - Breaking Up
Bankrupt - 2000
Writer and Broadcaster, Ray Gosling, spent years on television and radio looking at the minutia of other people's lives. As he descended from a life of relative luxury into bankruptcy amidst the chaos of his home and domestic life, Ray chronicled that decline in a moving and poignant documentary.
Pensioned Off
After the writer and Broadcaster, Ray Gosling, was made Bankrupt, he decided to find out what had happened to other victims of what he considered to be a pernicious system. This is the story of his journey around bankrupt Britain to find out.
Ray Gosling OAP
Winner of the Jonathan Gill Award For Most Entertaining Documentary at Grierson 2007 against tough competition from Alan Sugar in The Apprentice.
This funny and moving account tells the story of Ray Gosling as he comes to terms with bankruptcy and moves out of his home for decades and into sheltered accommodation. |
Inside the Asylum
In 2005, Ray was invited by a group of urban explorers to revisit the derelict Whittingham Hospital. This is their record of the encounter.
Inside Out, East Midlands
Short films 2004 – 2010